Blog Post

4 Social And Economic Benefits Of Marijuana You Should Know

  • By Tony
  • 09 Mar, 2017
Medical benefits of marijuana are very well known. However, there are amazing huge social and economic benefits that accrue to individual consumers and the country. These have, unfortunately, not been as well articulated.

Marijuana gives a “feel good” state of mind enhancing well-being and creativity

If you have consumed marijuana in your life, you will certainly know the great “feel good” feeling, the sudden gush of ideas floating effortlessly in your mind, and the rush of energy. These feelings are common among consumers worldwide.

They are partly attributed to the release of dopamine in the brain that minimizes inhibitions and increases creativity. It is no wonder that some music inspiration and genius can be directly attributed to marijuana use.

Sometimes when you take your puff, you go straight to bed. That is good for you. Marijuana leads to better sleep which reduces stress and anxiety leading to a better quality of life. This is one more reason why it is very rare for people who are high on marijuana to fight.

In addition, there few ways to detox from marijuana that improve overall health.

Marijuana gives high returns to the dollar and creates jobs

If records from States in the US where marijuana is legal are anything to go by, then the marijuana industry is big business. An economic analysis done by the Marijuana Policy Group shows that each dollar invested in the marijuana industry generates activities of $2.13 to $2.40.

Further, the Marijuana Business Factbook 2016 reports a positive economic impact trend from $6.4 billion in 2013 to $17.2 billion in 2016. It projects growth to reach $33 billion by 2020.

Marijuana is a job creator. Job are created at the farm level, product processing, research and development, transport, and sale.

In addition, governments benefit through revenue from taxes and licensing fees.

Marijuana saves lives

Are you surprised?

Researchers at McGill University reported that in the US and Canada, deaths from common prescription painkillers (opiates) exceeds that from overdoses of heroin and cocaine put together.

Another research team from the University of Pennsylvania published a study in the JAMA Internal Medicine, which showed that death from the opiates was 33% lower after six years in states where medical cannabis was available. Apparently, an overdose of marijuana does not kill!

In fact, marijuana has been documented as a safe and effective drug since 2700 BC.

Marijuana prevents death among young men

Researchers analyzing data from 1990 – 2007 found an association between medical marijuana and reduced suicide rates of 10.8% and 9.8% for young men in their 20’s and 30’s respectively.

Smoke marijuana for a healthy and wealthy nation.

Marijuana Health Blog

By Tony 17 May, 2017
Detoxification process begins the moment you cease using marijuana. Detox is basically the natural procedure of removing body toxins that occur due to smoking marijuana. Nevertheless the term, “marijuana detox” is the process of removing marijuana toxins within ‘shorter’ period of time.
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